Frequently Asked Questions-FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Physical Therapy
Do I need a doctor’s orders to start physical therapy?
At Orthocare Physical Therapy Center, our Physical Therapists are direct access certified. This means that based on current Virginia State Law, you can directly see us for physical therapy. However, some insurance companies still require a prescription from a doctor for reimbursement.
Please contact our office at 703-310-7610 about your specific insurance requirements.
My doctor referred me to Physical Therapy. Do I get to choose where I go for treatment?
Whether your PT prescription comes with a name or a list, you get to decide where you would like to seek you PT treatment. Check us out and you will quickly find out why we are the PT of choice for our patients.
Will my insurance cover treatment?
Generally, Yes.
As a courtesy, we will verify your insurance benefits. Still, it is a good idea to check with your insurance company yourself. Please call our office at 703-310-7610 if you have questions.
How long will Physical Therapy take (each appointment, and long term)?
Your initial evaluation will take around 60-90 minutes. Your appointments will take around 30-60 minutes depending on your treatment .
Most patients come to therapy for 12-24 visits (2-3 times per week) for around 4-8 weeks (on average)
What should I wear for my Physical Therapy Appointment?
You should wear loose fitting clothing so that we can check the area that we will be evaluating and treating during your therapy.
For example, if you have a knee or a leg problem, wear shorts. For a shoulder problem, wear a t-shirt or a tank top, and for low back problems, wear a loose-fitting shirt.
Your appointment will most likely include some type of physical activity. So, we advise that you wear comfortable clothing that allows you to exercise.
Do I need to attend all of my PT Sessions?
We want you to return back to your normal life as soon as possible. Your Physical Therapist will work with you to develop a plan that best fits your needs.
If you attend sessions regularly, your Physical Therapist can modify your treatment based on your progress and will also advise you on home exercise programs as appropriate.
Is there anything I need to do after my Physical Therapy Sessions?
You should talk about your goals to your therapist, so that your physical therapist can develop a custom program for you.
Some patients will need to continue with home exercises. Some may choose to continue with a gym exercise program. Others will complete their treatment and return to normal daily activities.
We will always be a resource for you even after you are discharged from regular physical therapy.
We hope we do not see you too often – but know that we are always there for you.
More FAQs?
Please inform us if you have any other questions. We will be happy to answer them and if appropriate, we will add them to our FAQs section.
Call Us Now at 703-310-7610
Best Practices in Physical Therapy and FAQs
We are proud members of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), and offer evidence-based PT that is consistent with the best practices in the field.